Quit Smoking Today. Your life is more precious to people other than you.
Congratulations on the decision to quit. Your first day without cigarettes can be difficult, but having a plan will make it easier! Don't rely on willpower alone to keep you smokefree. Prepare so that you can feel confident in your ability to stay quit today. Step One Tell your friends and family that today is your quit day. Ask them for support during these first few days and weeks. They can help you get through the rough spots, but make sure to tell them how they can support you. Be specific; they aren't mind readers. Step Two Get the support you need—either by developing your own quit plan or finding a quit program that works for you. A quit plan combines strategies that help you stay focused, confident, and motivated to quit. You might decide to use a quit program like SmokefreeTXT , or a quitline like 1–800–QUIT–NOW (1–800–784–8669), to get started. If you're not sure exactly which quit methods are right for you, v...