An interesting omegle discussion!
Question to discuss: tumblr urls? need more blogs to follow You: dude You: get a life Stranger: Yup Stranger: Well said Stranger: Questioner sucks at everything Stranger: Needs to be launched into space You: yeah.. noMoreMeaningfulPlanet You: timeToLeaveEarth Stranger: Yup, well said You: probably that's why aliens don't talk to us Stranger: Indeed Stranger: We get rid of this guy, everything will get better Stranger: Aliens are probably just waiting for him to die You: yeah... dude.. whoever you are.. please die Stranger: Once again, well said Stranger: So true You: yeah.. You: yeah You: so true Stranger: The real question is what kind of rocket we should launch him into space with Stranger: It wouldn't be worth wasting too much energy on him You: that's indeed a...