Back Up Your Gmail Account With Gmvault

That’s where Gmvault can help. Gmvault will help make sure that even if the unthinkable happens and your Gmail data is suddenly gone, you’ll be able to recover thanks to a solid backup system. Gmvault is a simple-to-use command-line Python app that will login, sync and back up your entire Gmail account on your local machine. Currently Gmvault is beta software. I’ve been using it for nearly a week and haven’t had any problems, but bear in mind that there may be some bugs.
You can accomplish the same thing with a desktop e-mail client, provided you remember to open it every now and then. But with Gmvault and simple cron script you can make sure your backup is updated every day. Throw in a line to move your database to a new location when the backup is done and you’ll have incremental snapshot backups of your Gmail account.
Gmvault will encrypt your saved e-mail repository to keep it safe from prying eyes. That means you can use Dropbox or similar web-based backup and syncing systems without worrying that your personal information is exposed.
Another interesting feature in Gmvault is the ability to restore e-mails to any Gmail account. That makes creating additional Gmail-based backup accounts a snap. Just create a new Gmail account, select your current account’s backup and use the restore command to recreate your mailboxes. All attributes such as Gmail labels are preserved and recreated in the new account.
Gmvault is a shell script available for Windows, OS X and Linux. Head on over to GitHub and grab a copy today so you can start making backups of your Gmail before you need them.
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